Monday, August 14, 2017

Getting back my old B-52s Mesopotamia record

I bought the B-52s' "Mesopotamia" in 1983 at a record shop in Stanley, Hong Kong. I eventually replaced the plastic cover of the record with the plastic cover used for school textbooks using scotch tape inside (yes, I know it is wrong because the acid will eventually eat into the jacket. But this was back in high school). My mom threw this (along with many others) without my knowledge and much to my anger. 
Who knew that years later this record with the taped textbook cellophane would find it's way back to me? The funny thing is whoever bought it brought it to the US and back here. 
I saw this in a recent record sale and had this hunch. I checked it out and yes, it was my old record. I got it of course. Imagine that!

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