Saturday, December 25, 2010

The poignant music: John Boswell's Festival of the Heart

It was in 1994 when I first discovered this album by instrumentalist John Boswell (a year after it's release). I had become a fan since his album Count Me In that featured a beautiful song "Do it as a friend" that he co-wrote with actor Robert Downey Jr. So I plopped the disc in not really knowing what to expect save for the knowledge that it was a Christmas-themed album. All I can say is that it has become a staple of the season's music for me ever since. I've recommended this to quite a few people and they've come away feeling the same. That you can almost feel the snow fall on your head, that winter chill and a warm cup of coffee by the fireplace. The giddiness and cheer that the season brings. I remember playing this during one White Christmas and it made the moment all the more poignant. I previously mentioned this in the11-11pages and should have done so at the start of the Christmas season.  This is something that tugs at the heart.

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